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20 tips to help you sell your home

May 22, 2022

As the saying goes, 'first impressions last', and when it comes to selling your home this could be the difference between selling your property or not. In theory, it seems like a simple task, but with so much advice out there it can be difficult to know where to start. So here at Sparrow Real Estate, we have compiled a list of 20 simple things that will help you sell your property.

1. Declutter

During a house viewing, you want to showcase your property, not your personal belongings. By decluttering your home it will allow buyers to focus on the features of the house, as opposed to getting distracted by what is in each room.

2. Clean the mould

Ensure that mould has been removed from rooms, and that wet rooms have new seals installed.

3. Fix leaking taps

Minor things like dripping taps can distract potential buyers, so make sure all your taps and fittings are leak-free.

4. Clean

Walking into a clean house leaves a great first impression. Check each and every surface for dust and dirt, and make sure they are all spotless.

5. Clear cupboards

Good storage space is something that many homebuyers look for. Organised and clear cupboards are essential for this. It may be tempting to stuff your cupboards to declutter rooms, but remember potential buyers may ask to see inside cupboards and storage areas during a viewing.

6. Keep it neutral

Try to get rid of anything that makes the space look and feel personalised. Family photos and lots of wall hangings can distract buyers. Remember they are trying to picture themselves in this home, so keep it as neutral as you can.

7. Look for cracks, dents and holes in walls

Check each room for any wall markings and cover them up. Cracks and dents in walls are very noticeable, and not a great look when showcasing your home. So be sure to cover them up and get them fixed.

8. Check the lightbulbs

Make sure that there is uniform light throughout your house by ensuring all of your bulbs are the same colour and wattage. Change any flickering or blown bulbs.

9. Get a carpet cleaner

It's easy to forget how dirty carpets can get. Getting a carpet professionally cleaned can quickly and easily make a room look refreshed.

10. Style each room

Every room in your house has a use. A spare room, for example, could be a gym, a playroom or an office. Don't just leave a spare room empty, show potential buyers what they could do with the space.

11. Pay attention to the garden

In your garden, get rid of the weeds, mow the lawn and plant some flowers. It's vital that you pay attention to the garden. Don't forget to remove all the rubbish.

12. Check door handles and window fixings

Door handles and window fixings can easily break, and you'd be surprised how many of us continue on without updating these features. Adding new door handles can give your home a more modern feel.

13. Check the letterbox

The first thing that anyone will see on your property is the letterbox. For this reason, make sure it is in good order and apply a fresh coat of paint or clean the letterbox if necessary.

14. Blast away the outdoor grime

Get a high-pressure hose and blast away the grime on outdoor concrete. You'll be surprised by how much dirt can build up, and clean concrete looks much more appealing.

15. Clear bathroom and kitchen benchtops

Again, in your kitchen try to make the space as neutral as possible. This includes bench space. So make sure appliances, cookbooks, cosmetics and any other personalised products are neatly put away.

16. Don't forget about the dining room table

One place where we would recommend a bit of style and a personal touch is the dining room table. It's always a focal point of a family home, so set the table with nice cutlery and dinnerware, and maybe even add a candle. This way the potential buyers will be able to imagine their family dining in the space.

17. Highlight the pool

If your home has a pool it is a huge selling point. Make sure it is clean, meets all of the required safety guidelines and that the water looks inviting. People want the lifestyle that a pool offers, so sell it to them.

18. Keep the fridge clear

Fridges are a great place for personal decorations, but in keeping with the theme of a neutral space, you need to make sure that the fridge is free from magnets and other personal touches.

19. Check the bins

You don't want the rubbish bins to be the first thing that the potential buyers see. So make sure that they are hidden down the side or behind a fence and keep them out of sight.

20. Do a test walk

Once your home is ready to be viewed, walk through as though you are looking to buy it. Ensure that furniture doesn't jut out and that the space is free from obstacles.

By following these simple guidelines your home will shine and not only look great in person, but it will photograph brilliantly also.

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