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Planning to downsize? Here are some tips

Matthew Griffin • Dec 21, 2020

There are many reasons for downsizing. Perhaps your kids have grown up and moved out, and now you have little need for the surplus space in the family home.

Or maybe you have grown bored of living life out in the suburbs and are planning on an exciting move into the city. But one thing all 'downsizers' have in common is having to face the logistical challenges which can accompany a move to a smaller property.

For one thing, you need to fit all the items you are keeping into a space which is significantly smaller, but there are also several other adjustments which can be necessary to feel at home in your new place. So in this article, we offer seven tips to bear in mind when downsizing.

What do you really need?

This will be a key part of the 'cull' which typically takes place when downsizing - both of your possessions, and the space that you need. That means it is time to decide what is most important to you, as there will naturally be some cuts. Is a big, free-standing fridge or freezer really necessary, or can you make do with an all-in-one fridge-freezer? Must you have a separate room to use as a study, or will a desk area within your bedroom or lounge suffice? And is having your own garden an absolute essential, or could you live in an apartment or condo with a shared outdoor space and nearby park? These are the type of big lifestyle decisions you will have to consider.

Trimming down your possessions

There are some people who love to be minimalists, owning as fewer possessions as possible. They say that it gives them freedom, makes their space easier to clean, and brings their stress levels down. We might not all have this minimalist mentality, but we can all benefit from stripping down what we own every now and then, especially as we may be clinging onto things we don't need. But when you are sifting through your items, you need a system. We recommend setting up three bins, or failing that, piles! These are 'keep', 'give away' and 'sell'. That means when it comes to sorting through your belongings from your old property - be it clothes, leisure equipment, audio and video media, or tools - you have to decide between the three options. You might be surprised just how much stuff you don't need, and in many cases, you can sell items and put the proceeds towards your new home.

Refer to your floor plan

Once you know the property you are moving to, things can become a little simpler, but you must pay attention to the finer details. Don't chance anything - refer to the floor plan of your new place as much as possible, as this can indicate whether furniture can be comfortably accommodated or not, and if so, where. If you can't fit it easily into your new space, then you may need to sell it. Alternatively, you could bring sofas, chairs, and tables with you, and try them in a few different positions until you achieve the right set up. Often, it isn't until we see a furniture arrangement with our own eyes that we know whether it works.

Become a sucker for storage

Intelligent storage solutions are your friend when downsizing. Clutter can build up and make your new property feel unkempt and unmanageable, and the most sensible way to avoid it can be with little tricks that can 'hide away' your possessions with no discernable negative impact on the aesthetics. Among the best storage solutions for small apartments or houses are rigid wall storage containers; bookshelves behind a bed; pull-down cabinets and 'stuffing' shelves with baskets, making it easier to store a variety of items while retaining a uniform look.

Ditch the duplicates

If you have two, three or more of certain items which you only need one of, you have the perfect example of something for the 'give away' or 'sell' piles! We are specifically talking about kitchen utensils such as large pots. There are people who would be happy to take them off your hands, or you could make a nice little earner by putting them up for sale online. The same goes for clothes - if you are the girl with 50 pairs of shoes or the guy with 50 shirts, it could be time to let go of a large share!

Think about legacy gifts

Do you have some family heirlooms which are bound to take up a lot of space in your new home? From clocks to china collections or paintings, now is your chance to share pieces which you want to keep in the family as gifts, rather than wait until years later as part of a will. Firstly, you will be able to shift them from your future residence and let others enjoy them. Secondly, you can feel the satisfaction of giving these items to your children and other relatives. Legacy gifts are a great way of reducing the load.

Still have too much stuff?

If you have taken heed of all the advice above and are still overloaded with items, there is still hope. How about trying the 'fill then throw' method? Take your items with you and begin to fit them into your new space, starting with the absolute essentials. Once you have filled all the areas you had planned, including storage space, it is time to take stock of what you have left, and decide what to do with it - namely, throw it away or keep it.

We hope you found these pointers on how to downsize useful. Remember, downsizing might seem like a world of hassle at the time, but so long as you have the right reasons for moving, it is entirely worth it.

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